Pubg trigger mobile game controller with 360 movement control

Pubg trigger mobile game controller with 360 movement control


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 Improve gaming performance by using the pubg tiger mobile game controller

Product description

  • Are you a lover of the pubg game? Do you want to improve your game performance? Well, we have got the right product for you. Our sensitive game controller will make it easier for you to play the pubg game.
  • Additionally, alloy trigger and ergonomic handle allows you to play for long durations without feeling tired or fatigued.
  • Another characteristic of the product is that it runs without a battery or a signal. So you can play the game whenever you want to.
  • In addition to this, you can perform multiple operations at the same time like shooting, squatting, aiming, jumping, moving, and lying with your fingers. These will help you to increase the winning rate.
  • Also, since the product has lightweight so you can easily carry it anywhere.
  • Now, are you worried about the compatibility of the product? Well, it is compatible with IOS and Android. So it runs well on almost all mobiles.
  • Additionally, always try to shoot while moving as this increases your chance of winning.


  • Product is extremely sensitive.
  • So it makes your gaming easier.
  • Reduces your sense of tiredness and fatigue
  • Signal connection or battery is not needed for gaming.
  • Variety of operations like shooting, jumping, aiming, moving, squatting and lying at the same time.
  • Controller is extremely lightweight
  • So you can easily carry it.
  • Compatible with IOS and Android
  • Always shoot faster while moving.